Irc help.

Yo,Y'all I need a little bit help with Irc commands. Can someone tell me about SA-MP irc commands.
Like /mode (Chanelname) (Mode) (User name)
Can u tell me about the all commands and modes.
I'll be great full.

That's not possiable, Your Bot Should been on that Channel + and have rights to change any Mode. so he must have Op halfop admin etc.

I'm the co-owner of my Irc server i'm using Irc as an admin for the first time so i need a bit help.

its not Possiable to make your bot a IRC network Admin, as i recall.

connect to IRC, type in '/HELPOP usercmds' and look at the main window of your IRC client. If you get stuck with any cmd, type '/HELPOP <command>' and it'll tell you more about it.

the basic ones you'll need are:

/join <channel> - joins a channel (surprise!)
/part <channel> - leaves a channel
/quit <reason> - disconnects from IRC with <reason>
/mode <channel/user> <mode> - generally for channel modes, ie /mode #mychan +o Name gives OP to Name on #mychan.

Thanks alot,Man!

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