SA-MP Trophys

Hi! I made a postfor vote to our favorite users, by category...
Let's the voting begin!
Have 10 adjectives. What names you assign for there?
1.- The most serious ->
2.- The funniest ->
3.- The more synpatic ->
4.- The more bad-person ->
5.- The hard-worker ->
6.- The vagest ->
7.- The grumpiest ->
8.- The most supportive ->
9.- The most flawed ->
10.- The best ->
Have 19 adjectives. What names you assign for there?
1. Trophy "Albert Enstein" at the user most wise:
2. Trophy "Like a gorilla" at the user with most hair:
3. Trophy "Naruto Gi-Oh" at the user most freaky:
4. Trophy "4ever Alone" at the user most crybaby:
5. Trophy "Winni The Pooh" at the most synpatic user:
6. Trophy "Van Gogh" at the user with the avatr/signature most impactant:
7. Trophy "Gold Gothic" for the least understood user:
8. Trophy "Snow White Grumpy Dwarf" at the most grumpy user:
9. Trophy "Homer Simpson" at the most inept user:
10. Trophy "No without my SA-MP" at the most flawed user:
11. Trophy "TOP SECRET" at the most-misterious user:
12. Trophy "William Shakespeare" at the user than better write their posts:
13. Trophy "Broken record" at the user most often repeated:
14. Trophy "Cool" at the coolest user:
15. Trophy "Roller Coaster" at the more unstable user:
16. Trophy "You Rocks!" at the best post of the forum:
17. Trophy "SPAM's delivery" at the most spammer user:
18. Tropyh "Icon" at the coolest emoticon:
19. Trophy "Waldo" at the forum that doesn't exists and need to exist:
Best Developer:
Best Beta-Team:

- Do not spam
- Do not vote yourself
- If you haven't to vote any one put (?)

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