
Is there any possibility to add a Timer to OnPlayerConnect, I want to add like some ClientMessages (Welcome, wait till loading your stats etc..") How can I do this by OnPlayerConnect? And how to add a Textdraw above a skin by Classselection ?

Cheers x

pawn Код:
    SetTimerEx("LoadStats", 5000, false, "i", playerid); // A 5 second timer..
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "Welcome, wait till loading your stats etc..");
    return 1;

forward LoadStats(iPlayer); // 'iPlayer' refers to the player on which we called the timer
public LoadStats(iPlayer)
    LoadPlayerInfo(iPlayer); // However you load your stats, mine load from a stock, hence the single line
    SendClientMessage(iPlayer, COLOR, "Your stats have been loaded!");
    return 1;
And for the textdraw, use the editor and position it to your likings..

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