[Incognitos Streamer] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel problem?

I didnt think it could be a streamer problem as it works for other text labels, but to attach it to a vehicle it either doesnt show up, or doesnt attach itself to a vehicle

pawn Код:
Vehicles[vid] = CreateVehicle(dini_Int(file, "model"), dini_Float(file, "x"), dini_Float(file, "y"), dini_Float(file, "z"), dini_Float(file, "rot"), dini_Int(file, "colour1"), dini_Int(file, "colour2"), -1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "This %s is owned by\n%s", GetVehicleName(dini_Int(file, "model")), dini_Get(file, "owner"));
    VehicleText[vid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOUR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 7.5, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, Vehicles[vid]);
If i run "IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel" it returns true or 1 (tested by printing)

Does anyone have a solution?


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