What is this object?

Hey, i found some server screenshots on a site. And i was wondering what this object is called, cuz i really wanna know.

OPS: This screenshot isnt owned by me, someone called Raymond is owning this.

It is the gate, with a hole in it. And the door is between the gate.

The help would be appreciated!

Its a door, check in the wiki, or go on mta map editor, then go to the door section and browse through

I have, all the doors. But i cant find it. so it must be a fence object or something, and i have checked, fence,doors,gates and windows. but nothing

anyone knows?

Is the door from 'tattoos' I think.
Try with:1495(this is it) but you can use too: 1500

nope it isnt, there isnt any fence around it. Just the simple door.

And i want the fence, that is around the door.

The fence looks like something from the Big Smoke's Crack Factory interior, but i have no idea what the object id is

i know... Search on mta: Carter

Yes thats it! Thank you ! I have been looking for it for ages!

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