[HELP] How to make snow in sa-mp 0.3c

i have the id of the fake snow of the new objects

but how do i make snow in my server?

*Sorry for my bad english*

There is a object for it.

18863 or 18864

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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There is a object for it.

18863 or 18864
i know the id of the objects

but how i make snow?

Just create the objects in different locations, or make your own functions to have a continuous snow weather

you can just create an objezct for the player only, I think it's new snow= CreatePlayerObject(blahblah)
and then setplayerattachedobejct(snow, blahblah)
and if you do this on OnPlayerConnect...

something like this, now all the players will see snow

Originally Posted by knackworst
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you can just create an objezct for the player only, I think it's new snow= CreatePlayerObject(blahblah)
and then setplayerattachedobejct(snow, blahblah)
and if you do this on OnPlayerConnect...

something like this, now all the players will see snow
u dont need to create object. Just SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, modelid, bone...)

Originally Posted by HACKHERS
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u dont need to create object. Just SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, modelid, bone...)
no, then everyone will see it but not everywhere... you need a cmd for only one guy...

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