Variable question/problem

hi, this is the first time I work with variables, and all I know about them is that you can store stuff in it...

I was making my own property system for my server with sandra's include:

but I want that when a player buys/sells a property the change get stored in the thing wich variables get stored in and when the player connect he can see the updates... cuz now when player buys something and he logs off he will loose his property...

this is what I got so far:

pawn Код:
//Properties buy/sell/info              ---- this is under the onplayercommandtext callback
 if (strcmp("/buyprop", cmdtext, true) == 0)
  SetPVarInt(playerid, "Playerbuyprop", BuyPropertyForPlayer(playerid));
  return 1;
 if (strcmp("/sellprop", cmdtext, true) == 0)
  SetPVarInt(playerid, "Playersellprop", SellPropertyForPlayer(playerid));
  return 1;
and now I got to do something in onplayer connect.. plz help me! : )

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