[BUG]SetObjectRot Does Not Work On Attached Objects?

in a command.
pawn Код:
    new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
    GpsPickups[playerid] = CreateObject(1318,x,y,z,0,0,0,40);
    AttachObjectToVehicle(GpsPickups[playerid],GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
then in a update timer which works fine.

pawn Код:
SetObjectToFaceCords(GpsPickups[playerid], x1, y1, z2);
x1 and y1 are the 2d positions and z2 is the players Z

pawn Код:
stock SetObjectToFaceCords(objectid, Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1)
    new Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:z2;
    GetObjectPos(objectid, x2,y2,z2);

    new Float:DX = floatabs(x2-x1);
    new Float:DY = floatabs(y2-y1);
    new Float:DZ = floatabs(z2-z1);

    new Float:yaw = 0;
    new Float:pitch = 0;

    if(DY == 0 || DX == 0)
        if(DY == 0 && DX > 0) {
            yaw = 00;
            pitch = 0; }
        else if(DY == 0 && DX < 0) {
            yaw = 180;
            pitch = 180; }
        else if(DY > 0 && DX == 0)  {
            yaw = 90;
            pitch = 90; }
        else if(DY < 0 && DX == 0) {
            yaw = 270;
            pitch = 270; }
        else if(DY == 0 && DX == 0) {
            yaw = 0;
            pitch = 0; }
        yaw = atan(DX/DY);
        pitch = atan(floatsqroot(DX*DX + DZ*DZ) / DY);
        if(x1 > x2 && y1 <= y2) {
            yaw = yaw + 90;
            pitch = pitch - 45; }
        else if(x1 <= x2 && y1 < y2) {
            yaw = 90 - yaw;
            pitch = pitch - 45; }
        else if(x1 < x2 && y1 >= y2) {
            yaw = yaw - 90;
            pitch = pitch - 45; }
        else if(x1 >= x2 && y1 > y2) {
            yaw = 270 - yaw;
            pitch = pitch + 315; }
        if(z1 < z2)
            pitch = 360-pitch;
    SetObjectRot(objectid, 0, 0, yaw);
    SetObjectRot(objectid, 0, pitch, yaw+90);


You set the rotation with the AttachObjectToVehicle (last 3 parameters).

I guess that you will have to use this:

Float:RotX	The X rotation between the object and the vehicle.
Float:RotY	The Y rotation between the object and the vehicle.
Float:RotZ	The Z rotation between the object and the vehicle.
AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid, vehicleid, Float:fOffsetX, Float:fOffsetY, Float:fOffsetZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:RotZ);
niCe won

if i use those. it doesnt point the object to the location..

could you help me make it point to the location? i tried everything..

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