11.12.2010, 16:29
Last edited by Mrkrabz; 14/12/2010 at 02:57 PM.

Anyway onto the better stuff, once you have added your server, it will be reviewed by an admin which will then accept/deny it, if you have filled the forum out correctly then your server is on the top-list and people can start voting on your server.
too add a server you MUST have a banner
(Ill be getting a domain if this goes anywhere)
PS: I understand that a review site or w/e is being made, and I hope that goes well, I have been working on this for the past week or two, and hopefully smacked all the bugs in the face, if you do experience any bugs feel free to PM me or post on here!
If you have any suggestions for the theme of the website feel free, ill see what Yeatric can do, but a big thanks to him as I suck at photoshop :P
Edit: False entries with no banner or just text will be rejected. I repeat again too add a server you MUST have a banner
Edit2: Seeing as most people don't get that you need a banner I'm going to be making that field MANDATORY so you cannot go to the next page without it.
Update List:
These are things going to be added/already done. Green = done, Red = being done
IP Recognition and cookies
Captcha code on voting
Voting timer fixed (once per day)
Have a Server IP checker to check if the duplicate IP and port have already been added.
Captcha code when adding a server
Mandatory fields when adding server.
small bug where server 11 shows on page 2 as well as 3
Server advertisement control panel (Change your server's banner IP etc) (Goes into pending after edited for admin.)
Server version indicator
You can now have a username and password to log in and change your server information, this is alot better because you don't have to constantly PM me when you have changed IP or banner

Server version indicator has now been put in too (You select when you add your server). People who are already on the list will receive an email shortly giving you a username and password (Which you can change, apart from username for now.)