Server 2003 Issues.

Hello All,

Im having issues with my new Data Center,

Im running Windows Server 2003 but yet I cant seem to see my server when ever its executed. The ports are open it just serems not to be broadcasting.

Remote Desktop is also working. See for your self.

I am running Static IP's. I dont know why it will not work. I used a local and an online port checker and got:

Success: I can see your service on on port (7777)
Your ISP is not blocking port 7777

Any Ideas??


UG Scripter.

I need help... Bump...

On MS2008 you need to allow programs through the firewall too.
Have you tried doing that?

You are the CEO of a hosting company yet you are using a home hosted server that you can't even get online?

I just did a tracert to the server, and indeed, it is home hosted.
What's even more worrying is that;

a) You're going to try and sell these services
b) Bigpond's upload speed is a maximum 1mbps (That's if you're on the most expensive cable)

Please, don't host servers on your home connection - It just won't work.

Lol, No.. That server is currently pulled out of my data center lol.

Its alot easier to remove it and work on it at home rather than have it sit theit and do nothing.

This has been fixed anyway

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