clean file

I'm making a system that saves the day, month, year, hour, minute and ip logged to the player who signed to appear in next to him:

His last login was on 02/12/2010 at 16:15 by ip: 11111111111

It works almost 100%
the only problem is that when he logs a second time, to save over envez doque had it just continues.
I'm doing the following:

To save the data:

pawn Код:
new giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
               GetPlayerName(playerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
               new stringaa[128];
               new stringgg[128];
               format(stringaa, sizeof(stringaa), "/LogPlayer/%s.ini", giveplayer);
                new File:logadmin = fopen(stringaa, io_append);
                new Ano, Mes,Dia;
                getdate(Ano, Mes,Dia);
                getdate(Anologp[playerid], Meslogp[playerid],Dialogp[playerid]);
                new Hora, Minuto, Segundo;
                gettime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo);
                gettime(Horalogp[playerid], Minutologp[playerid], Segundologp[playerid]);
                format(stringgg, sizeof stringgg, "%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%s", Dia, Mes, Ano, Hora, Minuto,ip);
                fwrite(logadmin, stringgg);
To read the data from last login:
pawn Код:
new Baname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, Baname, sizeof(Baname));
         new string123[128];
        format(string123, sizeof(string123), "/LogPlayer/%s.ini", Baname);
         new load[12][32];
        new str[128];
        new UltimoDia,UltimoMes,UltimoAno,UltimaHora,UltimoMinuto,UltimoIp[15];
        new File:file = fopen(string123,io_read);
        if (file)
            while (fread(file, str, sizeof str))
                split(str, load, '|');

                UltimoDia = strval(load[0]);
                UltimoMes = strval(load[1]);
                UltimoAno = strval(load[2]);
                UltimaHora = strval(load[3]);
                UltimoMinuto = strval(load[4]);
                strmid(UltimoIp, load[5], 0, strlen(load[5])-1, 15);
                format(str, sizeof str, "His last login was on%d/%d/%d бs %d:%d, by ip: %s",UltimoDia,UltimoMes,UltimoAno,UltimaHora,UltimoMinuto,UltimoIp);
               SendClientMessage(playerid, ADMIN_RED, str);
               return 1;

What's going on is as follows:
The first login will save this:
2 | 12 | 2010 | 16 | 18 | 1111111

and will read it right
already the second will be saved like this:
2 | 12 | 2010 | 16 | 18 | 11111113 | 12 | 2010 | 15 | 11 | 1111111

One after the other.
Causes problems.
What I wanted to do is clean the file before each new bailout, or delete.
So I do not know how.
I tried deleting the file by OnPlayerDisconnect but I can not.
So I can delete the file when the player is off, then I type a cmd to delete and delete.
Can someone help me please, because I have this problem in a tempban I did too ...

sorry for my bad english

Add a \n to where you need a new line...

pawn Код:
format(stringgg, sizeof stringgg, "%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%s\n", Dia, Mes, Ano, Hora, Minuto,ip);

so that by doing so it will read again and add the second line read first??


I took the test ..
do not read the second line
only reads the first ..

Here, now the saving and the loading of data are perfectly

Saving (I did in OnPlayerDisconnect):

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    new giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    new Anologp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Meslogp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Dialogp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Horalogp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Minutologp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Segundologp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new Ano, Mes,Dia;
    new Hora, Minuto, Segundo;
    new ip[128];
    new stringaa[128];
    new stringgg[128];
    new stringbb[128];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
    format(stringaa, sizeof(stringaa), "/LogPlayer/%s.ini", giveplayer);
        if (fexist(stringaa)) return false;
        new File:specialvar;
        if (specialvar) {
            getdate(Ano, Mes,Dia);
            getdate(Anologp[playerid], Meslogp[playerid],Dialogp[playerid]);
            gettime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo);
            gettime(Horalogp[playerid], Minutologp[playerid], Segundologp[playerid]);
            new File:gogo = fopen(stringaa, io_append);
            format(stringbb, sizeof(stringbb), "%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%s", Dia, Mes, Ano, Hora, Minuto, ip);
            fwrite(gogo, stringbb);
            return true;
        return false;
        getdate(Ano, Mes,Dia);
        getdate(Anologp[playerid], Meslogp[playerid],Dialogp[playerid]);
        gettime(Hora, Minuto, Segundo);
        gettime(Horalogp[playerid], Minutologp[playerid], Segundologp[playerid]);
        new File:logadmin = fopen(stringaa, io_append);
        format(stringgg, sizeof(stringgg), "%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%s", Dia, Mes, Ano, Hora, Minuto, ip);
        fwrite(logadmin, stringgg);
        return 1;

And Loading (i did in OnPlayerSpawn):

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    new nicklogger[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, nicklogger, sizeof(nicklogger));
    new stringlogging[128];
    format(stringlogging, sizeof(stringlogging), "/LogPlayer/%s.ini", nicklogger);
        new Baname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, Baname, sizeof(Baname));
        new string123[128];
        format(string123, sizeof(string123), "/LogPlayer/%s.ini", Baname);
            new load[12][32];
            new str[128];
            new UltimoDia,UltimoMes,UltimoAno,UltimaHora,UltimoMinuto,UltimoIp[15];
            new File:file = fopen(string123,io_read);
            if (file)
                    while (fread(file, str, sizeof str))
                        split(str, load, '|');
                        UltimoDia = strval(load[0]);
                        UltimoMes = strval(load[1]);
                        UltimoAno = strval(load[2]);
                        UltimaHora = strval(load[3]);
                        UltimoMinuto = strval(load[4]);
                        strmid(UltimoIp, load[5], 0, strlen(load[5])-1, 15);
                        format(str, sizeof str, "His last login was on%d/%d/%d бs %d:%d, by ip: %s",UltimoDia,UltimoMes,UltimoAno,UltimaHora,UltimoMinuto,UltimoIp);
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, ADMIN_RED, str);

I want that i have helped

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