18.11.2010, 03:26
Ultimate Gate System
Ultimate Gate System, (shorter: UGI) allows you to create your Automatic Gates easier.
And you only need this Informations:
Modellid, closedX, closedY, closedZ, openX, openY, openZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ.
You see, you need only the Model-ID and the 9 coordinates, and you create your Automatic Workin' Gate with only one Function !
• Automatic working Gates, you need only the closed-, open- and Rotation coordinates. • The Gate-Locking Function allows you to Lock the Gates for specific Players (good for Servers with factions and teams). • The "OnGateOpen" and "OnGateClose" Functions allows you to control the Texts and other things to control on Gate-open/closing • The "GATE_CHECKTIME" define allows you to set the Checking-time of ALL gates. (if you enter 1000, all Gates will be checked all 1000 MiliSeconds) • The "GATE_ACTIVATE_RANGE" define allows you to set the Activation-Range of the Gates. (if you enter 5.0, the Gate will be open if anyone is 5 meters near to gate) • You must enter the amount of your created gates on the "MAX_GATES" define. IMPORTANT: You can not create more Gates as the amount you written on "MAX_GATES". |
Funktionen & Callbacks
• CreateGate(modelid, closedX, closedY, closedZ, openX, openY, openZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ) *** Creates the Gate. (closedX/Y/Z=Closed Coords) - (openX/Y/Z=Open Coords) - (rotX/Y/Z=Rotation) • DestroyGate(gateid) *** This deletes the Gate (gateid=ID of the Gate to delete) • IsGateLockedForPlayer(forplayerid, gateid) *** Returns 1, if the 'gateid' is locked for the Playerid 'forplayerid'. • ToggleGateLockForPlayer(playerid, gateid, toggle) *** This locks the Gate 'gateid' for 'playerid'. Toggle: (0=NOT-Locked )|( 1=Locked) • ToggleGateLockForAll(gateid, toggle) *** This locks the Gate 'gateid' for ALL players. Toggle: (0=NOT-Locked )|( 1=Locked) |
• OnGateOpen(gateid, byplayerid) *** This Callback is called if anyone opens the Gate. 'byplayerid' is the Player wich opens the Gate. • OnGateClose(gateid) *** This Callback is called if nobody is near the Gate and the Gate closes. |
PS.: There is a Example-Script in the .rar Archive.
I recommend HARD to take a look at it, before you use it.
Show UGI.inc - pastebin.com
(I recommend HARD to download the .rar File, there is a Example-Script avaible)
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - RapidShare.com
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - SendSpace.com
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - SolidFiles.com
I know, this FilterScript has only a few Functions.
I'll update it in my Freetimes.
I have too much ideas i could Script in, but i haven't enough Times...
I'm open for your Bugreports and Suggestions!
And again:
By FoxHound aka PSPgamer_10 aka Gцkhan Akin !
Have Fun =)
I recommend HARD to take a look at it, before you use it.
Show UGI.inc - pastebin.com
(I recommend HARD to download the .rar File, there is a Example-Script avaible)
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - RapidShare.com
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - SendSpace.com
Download UGI_by_FoxHound.rar - SolidFiles.com
I know, this FilterScript has only a few Functions.
I'll update it in my Freetimes.
I have too much ideas i could Script in, but i haven't enough Times...
I'm open for your Bugreports and Suggestions!
And again:
By FoxHound aka PSPgamer_10 aka Gцkhan Akin !
Have Fun =)