RCASH system/Buy skin system

Hm, i was wondering if anyone got rcash system?/ Buy skin system? i've been looking for this so badly! west-side rpg got it and abused gamers rpg got it ! anyone know where to get? or maybe the hole tpg rpg download? anywhere? rcash is a kind of money that people use to buy stuff instead of dollars in the top right this is much better! so to speak, it must be in the future instead of this money crap people got in their gamemode.. i got alot of ideas for a gamemode but i just dont know how to script. Thats my only problem!!


Not sure what you're looking for here? Can you explain what this system does?

Script it yourself, or search the forum. But i think there aren't any system's like this released.

Rcash is a type of server money, its made of points. Primarily to avoid money hackers/cheaters.
You won't find it online, so my advice is script it yourself or just give up.

Edit: The name "rcash" first came from West-Side RPG, then when Coole made his AG server, he used the same. (Thats the link of WS and AG he talked about above).

I have to give up then ! i am not a scripter..

Originally Posted by TPD
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Rcash is a type of server money, its made of points. Primarily to avoid money hackers/cheaters.
You won't find it online, so my advice is script it yourself or just give up.

Edit: The name "rcash" first came from West-Side RPG, then when Coole made his AG server, he used the same. (Thats the link of WS and AG he talked about above).
There's some tutorials on how to make server-sided cash, so he can use those.

Originally Posted by Whizion
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There's some tutorials on how to make server-sided cash, so he can use those.
So i will try to learn how to script ! it just seems very advanced to me ! i never tried something like this before..

Originally Posted by nicklasnw
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So i will try to learn how to script ! it just seems very advanced to me ! i never tried something like this before..
I thought like you before i but i learned really quick, it's really hard to start, but when you get a hang on it, it's easy.

Originally Posted by Whizion
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I thought like you before i but i learned really quick, it's really hard to start, but when you get a hang on it, it's easy.
I need help.

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