Continental Role Play - Head scripter looking for scripter assistant

So till now I manage everything by self, but I feel I can't done everything so fast as I should, that why I ask here on for some scripter assistant.

Job duty
You will need to help me by making side-jobs [ atm we have 27 factions , so we need some mini/side jobs ]
Help to test new features
And many small things

We want from you
Almost perfect english knowledge
Scripting experience on non-GF edits [ optional ]
Good team player
You must be trustable [ not some lonely freak ]

What you will get
Well, I have seen many people who make some strange GF edits and wait for players, that why I offer you to become a scripter assistant on stable server with own strong comunity our record is 42 players, but usual we have around 20 players.
Okey, I cant offer you money, and I dont want offer some admin levels because its just dumb. [ but you will be anyway ]
If you want to become a part of great team and you like that players use your scripted things, let me know.

Show off
We opened in 1st November and in first 2 days we get 30 player record.
We have unique script
27 factions
Whole San Andreas is included
We are heavy RP

Best regard C-RP team

Sounds nice!

^ What he said.

Attracted to that nice picture though, offt, looks quite tidy if I may say so, who made it?
Also, not to be picky but, shouldn't this be in: Server Advertisements

He did. I think he may be 'ikey07' on the forums

Originally Posted by Stuntkillas
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He did. I think he may be 'ikey07' on the forums
No comments, tomorrow i talk you you Voldemort

I think the server sucks though. I mean, if a head scripter can't do any of this, then they ain't a head scripter, they're lazy, or they just suck.

I'm friend of Voldemort since 2008, he only start scripting this year, and in my opinion he created a SuperB script.
And Real Life? Work?
Because this he want a scripter for help him.

Jacob i dont think he wanted flamers to post. I was a head scripter before, you do end up needing some assistance, its called having a life on the side.

I wish you luck on finding a scripter, i would say i would join but dont know if i would be accepted xD

Did you found your scripter assistant yet?
If not, pm me for my MSN so we could talk. I can give some preview of my previous work too
I know sscanf2, MySQL, foreach...

I'll help

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