MySQL Server problem

Hy,i am connect GM whit SQL

PHP код:
#define MYSQL_HOST "***.com"
#define MYSQL_USER "***_samp"
#define MYSQL_PASS "MyPW***"
#define MYSQL_DB   "***_samp" 
And i get this error's
[18:41:41] ----------------------------------

[18:41:41] MYSQL: Attempting to connect to server...
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[18:41:41] Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
[18:41:41] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[18:41:41] MYSQL: Connection error, retrying...
Connection to MySQL database: Failed !
[18:41:45] Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
[18:41:45] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away
[18:41:45] MYSQL: Could not reconnect to server, terminating server...
[18:41:45] Number of vehicle models: 6
[18:41:45] --- Server Shutting Down.

*** Streamer Plugin v2.3.8 by Incognito unloaded ***

/* SAMP-MySQL v0.14 Plugin unloaded successfully ! */
Why?Plzzz help my | TY!

"is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server"
It's clear, you probally don't have access or something :P

I am make it,i need to set accses in cPanel

Does your host allow external connections? I know some host don't allow connections from other I.P. addresses other then their own...

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