The "Scripting Tutorials"


Consider it as bitching or unconstructive low quality post (inb4omgwhocaresnoob), but ..

The "Scripting Tutorials" section should not exist. All you see there is a bunch of threads which give you the opporunity to straightly copy paste out of it without learning anything - why not rename the section to "Script Snippets"?

If it is made to reduce new scripters asking simple questions, then it failed miserably! There is only a very low amount of threads where people explain stuff without giving full examples.


A lot of the code within the tutorials includes intensive commenting, pretty much documenting the usage of the functions used and whatnot. A lot of the code is pretty much snippets, but how else are you going to learn without being able to see current code in-use? A lot of people cheat the chance to learn something by straight up ripping/copying code, but I honestly would have found a lot of the tutorials in the sub-forum when I was learning how to script.

That section should be staying, it's very usefull to players.

And yes, there are some posts in there that don't really explain you how to do something but even they will learn you something.

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