Gang System

I've watched few tuts about how to make gang but I'm confused because they don't show where to put some stuff.
I started to script with that blank-paper icon, so if you can make me 1 gang, just to show me how to make it, and I'll do rest... Btw its RolePlay Server

1st--- I started to script with blank-paper ICON- you know that - u press it and u get basic lines in pawno... so pls explane me what to put under what line(example commands are under public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]))

2nd Now if u can help me and if u have time--> gang name-> Interglobal Radio Television

3rd Cars and commands that ONLY GANG can use it/them-->
AddStaticVehicle(582,736.6377,-1347.4535,13.5694,269.9215,113,1); // IRT Newsvan1
AddStaticVehicle(582,736.7079,-1351.7035,13.5578,269.4098,113,1); // IRT Newsvan2
AddStaticVehicle(582,741.2776,-1342.4365,13.5803,269.2503,113,1); // IRT Newsvan3
AddStaticVehicle(582,741.3404,-1338.6984,13.5913,269.0323,113,1); // IRT Newsvan4
AddStaticVehicle(582,741.3312,-1334.6377,13.6020,269.3929,113,1); // IRT Newsvan5
/openirt1 , /closeirt1 , /openirt2 , /closeirt2 , /openirtgrg , /closeirtgrg

4th skis and ranks that only gang can use it(is that possible to make, I think it is cuz I saw server)
rank 1(cameraman) skin 72
2, 3(radio speaker) 17
4(reporter) 148
5(program manager) 187
6(IRT owner) 295
female skin 148
or I just put them under public OnGameModeInit()?

5th how to make command that only admin/gang boss can make player in gang? Do I need to do admin team for that? I know that admin lvl can be changed in scriptfiles

6th If some1 can make me that---> I WILL appreciate that very much, pls help me(half-noob), I made all basics in server but dont know advanced stuff so pls pls pls help me..

3rd:Cars/Classes/Objects/Pickups/Timers/Gang Zone Coords/Enabling/Disabling Shit(Ex.AllowInteriorWeapons(0) Etc All goes Under:

public OnGameModeInit()
And All Commands Go Under:

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
I Cant Under Stand The Rest Of Your Post...Post Codes With [ccode][/ccode] with 1 c(Had to add 2 c's so you can see it)

EDIT: 4th: Make Each Gang A Team/Class And Then Thay Can Only Spawn With Correct Skins And You Can Asign Commands To A Team

5th: Correct Use A Admin Script And Simple Edit A Level Then Set The Player

6th: Dude...This is the basics...I suggest you look at SAMP WIKI....I Know everyone flames that at nubs...but when i did it...I built a whole GM from the knowlage...not being hard or flaming,Just ppl need to acually vist wiki before thay take it for its reputation...

1stownload SAMP Server from download page...That has Pawno and basic scripts...

well i dont know how to make gang, and btw i know where cars and commands go, but dont know how to make that only 1 gang can use cars and gangs(to make gang cars, and gang doors- only gang can use command to open door)

I would suggest you to look at This page, it's the most basics, also tells you how to make basic teams Gl with the future scripting!

Originally Posted by Naxix
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I would suggest you to look at This page, it's the most basics, also tells you how to make basic teams Gl with the future scripting!
thx! thats what I've been looking for

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