NFS:SHIFT on Windows 7 Ultimate x32?

Hey folks, I got my NFS today to play with my friends, and it didnt work - when it starts up it starts loading and when it has loaded like 80 percent it fucks up, black screen and not responding and is not gonna respond. What to do? Compatibility? I ran as an admin, though. Really help me, its annoying and i really gotta play it as ive been told its a good game.


well anywayz i had it and it worked on my win 7 x32 ultimate

Did you use compatibility too? Or other stuff or just ran it directly after the install? Though I had a problem within PshXLoader or something, and I fixed it by downloading the latest nVidia PhysX drivers from its website, but now it doesent start? I guess ill try restarting the computer too lol.

try updating all nvidia drivers or if you got an other GFX card than nvidia these

and yes I just ran it without problems

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Got it fixed already- ran in Windows 98 / Me compatibility mode, and its fixed! Thank you, still.

1 thing though, there is no such thing as x32. There is x64 and x86. x64 is 64bit, x86 is 32bit.


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