Putting a return value into a variable?

I'm wondering how to place this return value into a variable:

CreateVehicle(,,,,,,); would return a value however I got no idea how to perform so the return value will be saved in the variable i got by the name of vehicleid

pawn Код:
new myVehicles[ 5 ];

myVehicles[ 0 ] = CreateVehicle(,,,,,,);
myVehicles[ 1 ] = CreateVehicle(,,,,,,);
myVehicles[ 2 ] = CreateVehicle(,,,,,,);
myVehicles[ 3 ] = CreateVehicle(,,,,,,);
myVehicles[ 4 ] = CreateVehicle(,,,,,,);
like that?

Doh right o.O, gonna try it soon thanks

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