Help me

Today my brain just failed.
I am having so much trouble to make a anti spam that works. I cannot get one working.
Please show an example. I looked on the samp wiki
and this is all i can find

Click Here : SAMP WIKI

I'd advise everyone NOT to click that link. Thanks, enjoy your forum ban.

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What the hell are you talking about? I ask a simple question and you abuse me?
Why would I get banned for asking for help in making a new anti spam.
It's not my fault I spent a long time searching and could not find anything.

well you need to know that they posted within x seconds of a previous message,
set a variable related to that player to increases by 1 when they send a message, and a timer to set it to 0 x seconds later.
now if the first variable ever equals y then punish them by muting or kicking.

if you don't understand go look at an anti cheat that's been released

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