How to create a server

How to create a server/make it live
Step 1.Make a folder (some where were you can access it through ease) and name it the name of your server.
Step 2.Go to and download "SA-MP Windows Server Download" for windows.
Step 3.Extract the file to your folder.
Step 4.Open Server.cfg with notepad.
Step 5.You should get something like this

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme [change the "changeme" to a password that admins will use..]
maxplayers 50 [change the number to set the max players]
port 7777 [change this number to the number of the port you opened on your router]
hostname SA-MP 0.3 Server  [Change "SA-MP 0.3 Server" to your server name]
gamemode0 grandlarc 1
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime
announce 1
query 1
weburl [change this to your url]
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
Step 6. Once you finished go to file and click save, not save as.
Step 7. After that you need to open a port on your router in order for the server to work, i recomend opening port number 7777 since it is not used and is used on most servers.
Step 8. You might need your computer administrator for this, or you can get lucky by serchign on ******* "how to open a port on a router"
Step 9. Run "samp-server.exe" to start your server. To connect to it on samp type [iphere][open port number here] Example

Even though your server may be live, you will still need to know how to script in order to add vehecles where you want them, use commands, ect. Or you can download filter scripts from this forums and place them in your filter scripts forum.

I know this is the basic, but if you need more help add me at my msn below.

There is bunch of tutorials like this.Btw anyway you nice explained and congratz.

Let me ask this question, cant seem to find the answer in "search"

I got an dynamic ip., i use domain so people can connect to me when ever my ip changes ( once each month ) last time when i hosted my server ( 2 years back ) you could add the domain to favs, it changes it auto to IP. so if my pc got a new ip, the old one would stay in favorites, thus no way connecting.

did that get changed in the new ver of SAMP?

Originally Posted by DjH2o
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Let me ask this question, cant seem to find the answer in "search"

I got an dynamic ip., i use domain so people can connect to me when ever my ip changes ( once each month ) last time when i hosted my server ( 2 years back ) you could add the domain to favs, it changes it auto to IP. so if my pc got a new ip, the old one would stay in favorites, thus no way connecting.

did that get changed in the new ver of SAMP?
Should be changed.. But you also have to update ur ip in no-ip, i would recommend downloading the client, wich does this process automatic.

uhh thats for sure for newbies that makes questions everytime in server support

Originally Posted by Namaco
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uhh thats for sure for newbies that makes questions everytime in server support
dont act smart, questions are what they should ask, to help them out duh.this is a server "SUPPORT"

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