How to convert a Server from 0.3a to 0.3B

Hey, I'd like to know how to convert my 0.3A server to 0.3B do i need to convert, or just put it in the 0.3B Server File ? And which is now best to Host a Server, 0.3a or 0.3b ? Vote in Poll !

Good question you must download the new includes off 0.3B and recompile your script.
With the new includes . But i like 0.3b it's use new functions like HTTP verry usefull.

0.3b makes my server have bugs! It is so annoying!

Originally Posted by michaelw352
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0.3b makes my server have bugs! It is so annoying!
than fix them, you had weeks to figure it out.

Just a note, if your script relies on a streamer plugin then you will need to obtain an updated version of it. Otherwise, updating from 0.3a to 0.3b is a relatively easy process.

Pretty Stupid Question.. Of course its SAMP 0.3a because 0.3b is out a day. later On it will be samo 0.3b...

You just have to change a few files for 0.3b to get working.

Yesterday there were ~250 servers in 0.3b. Today, ~480. 2 days later, 700. It'll be better in 1-2 weeks.

So what I do, Drag My Server FSs, Includes, GM, Plugins and others in the 0.3b windows server thing ? Can i have detailed info about this ? The SA-MP devellopers should do a thread on how to do, or mke it easyer in there next versions...

Originally Posted by Xtreme4ever
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So what I do, Drag My Server FSs, Includes, GM, Plugins and others in the 0.3b windows server thing ? Can i have detailed info about this ? The SA-MP devellopers should do a thread on how to do, or mke it easyer in there next versions...
No, all you need to do is to drag and drop samp03svr, announce, and samp-npc in your server directory. If you find that difficult to do, you shouldn't be running a server in the first place.

Originally Posted by RayW
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No, all you need to do is to drag and drop samp03svr, announce, and samp-npc in your server directory. If you find that difficult to do, you shouldn't be running a server in the first place.
He still has to recompile his script with the latest includes, am I right?

Originally Posted by RayW
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No, all you need to do is to drag and drop samp03svr, announce, and samp-npc in your server directory. If you find that difficult to do, you shouldn't be running a server in the first place.
Oh, I don't need to convert it like for the change from 0.2x to 0.3a, Just drag everything in the 0.3b sa-mp directory, right ?

No updates for the Streamer and stuff...

Sorry if I bumped this thread, But I really need ur help guys, Someone old me i need to add draw distance or something, how ?

What I did, I'm using KingJ:

- Checked if all objects load properly. I got the weird "bug" when they became visible if you're near, like 5cm. I simply updated my streamer, which was done by Fallout, F_Streamer.
- I recompiled all scripts (I have 2 filterscripts and one GM so ye) and it all worked great
- I updated to 0.3b in KingJ's updates panel in 6 seconds.

That's it. If you have problems, tell us.

its easy just replace the old files with the new ones and your done

The version 0.3b is the best

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