What GTA Military Is The Strongest?

LCPD,Liberty City Army(GTA 3 AND 4 Version)
VCPD,Vice City Military

Please Vote and explain why!!!
Which GTA Army is the strongest

my vote is totally vice city!

I think vice city all the way,i cant run from them,they have powerful weapons!
SA always misses
LC is just low with army

NONE because they all are AI lol

Yes,but the SA army is too pussy to shoot
The LC army has been almost never heard of because they are in GTA 3 Mostly
The VC army kicks ass!

I think you're all forgetting about the Anti-Air Missiles that are in the SA desert, oh and also the Hydra's that come after you when you fly with 4+ stars.

Lol i know,i remember the hydra,but it can be innacurate as-well,i mean i`ve kicked hydra ass twice ! XD

Try getting the army after you in GTA III. They'll either run your happy ass over, or kill you in 1 second (when you have full armour and health) with their M16s.

VC Army sucks. They carry the same weapons as the FBI, and don't use any of their Hunters.

SA Army is good too, but their guns are only M4s, which are weaker than the M16s in GTA III. However, they do use the Hydra jets if you're flying a plane, as well as the SAM Sights.

My vote goes for GTA III.

I cant remeber playing GTA3 (i know i did), but i do remeber getting owned by Vice Citys army so many times. They are the craziest, but SA is the most advanced army.

GTA VC definetly my choice they kicked my ass so many times when i just went to their gate 0.o

Vice City was too hard, chasing me everywhere...Don't see a point of this post though

SA has awesome rockets and is pretty interesting too.

Obviously the SA army, They Have Hydras, Hunters, Rhinos, FBI Ranchers, FBI Trucks, Bikes, Boats, ect... You can't run away with the power of their vehicles unless you have NOS x10 and a VERY Powerful vehicle.

Vice City has Cheetas, Helicopter, Rhinos, make pretty nice Road Blocks, but it couldn't beat the SA army.

I never was folowed by the Army in GTA 3, in fact, I Stopped playing when I was 20% of the game.

Vice City, because there gun power is effective. Not because the Army is good.


Originally Posted by KevKo95
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Try getting the army after you in GTA III. They'll either run your happy ass over, or kill you in 1 second (when you have full armour and health) with their M16s.

VC Army sucks. They carry the same weapons as the FBI, and don't use any of their Hunters.

SA Army is good too, but their guns are only M4s, which are weaker than the M16s in GTA III. However, they do use the Hydra jets if you're flying a plane, as well as the SAM Sights.

My vote goes for GTA III.
lol man you got it all wrong,the GTA 3 army couldnt get me in the tank :O

listen! the lcpd army is bad way too easy to escape(gta 4)
vice city kinda hard because they keep follow you everywhere!
sapd very hard if you have 4 then your dead because they wil keep finding you
sow i hope this can help you find out wich one it is!

vice city: spike strips

gta IV: better AI
its funny when you shoot the driver down from the cop cars XD

i thawt VC military was a joke
i used a nice cheetah, and they just cud not keep up
if your saying that its cz it was a cheetah and its good on turning then how about if i said i used a Caddy aswell

SA was rather good in a sense that it was rather harder to stay alive, i have gotten to 6 stars and got owned, maybe it was cause i was over the military base most the time or something

Vice City Army !

the army in Chinatown Wars will own you, they actually fire there tanks...

SA army is easy to get away from due to the large areas you can run...

Either VC or gta 3/4, if Chinatown Wars isn't a valid answer

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