Place Bounty / Hit on player?


I'm looking for a nice simple hit script, I have found one on his forum but the pastbin was out of date (thread was from 2009).

I would like script that does something like this:

/hit <player ID> 1000
(announce player has a bounty on their head)
(the player that has a hit on them will be given wanted stars and text warning)

if the person gets killed - the killer gets the hit money

(announce player has been killed)

I tried to have a go myself: (I think I'm on the right tracks?)


i - player name to put hit on
j - cash for hit on player death

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])

new cmd[256], i, j;
cmd = strtok(cmdtext, i, j);
if(!strcmp("/hit", cmd, true))

if j > 1000
SetPlayerWantedLevel(i, 1);

etc.. etc..

if j> 4000
SetPlayerWantedLevel(i, 3);

etc.. etc..

if j > 16000
SetPlayerWantedLevel(i, 5);

// message player with hit
SendClientMessage(i, COLOUR_RED, "You have a price on your head for " j);

announce to public about the wanted person.


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