MSN Account Stolen.

Hello my account has been stolen on MSN. This guy aka Whooper, said that his dog died and asked me if I had a dog and I answered my dogs name. This was my secret password on MSN. Now my account is totally unusable with no access and no alternate E-Mail. Can someone provide a phone number or msn contact E-Mail? Don't trust Whooper hes sick. He is also registered on these forums.

Just... wow.

Go on the hotmail site and click "forgot my password" ? I dont know the steps or whats required, but you should be able to reset you account .

If not, i think your out of luck ... beg him to give it back, or make a new one .

Would this "whooper" guy happen to have this MSN address? --- ?

Originally Posted by Grim_
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Would this "whooper" guy happen to have this MSN address? ?
That is his E-Mail yes.

Also forgot password does not work as mentioned in the first post.

Hm, well I've never had a problem with him personally.

He said he didn't do anything with your account.

That's not good news :/

Wait, let me talk to him if he accetps.

Originally Posted by Grim_
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Hm, well I've never had a problem with him personally.

He said he didn't do anything with your account.
Lies. This is the 2nd time he has done this. First time he used a IRC to steel my password and use it on msn. I know it was him. When I was on MSN it said 2 users on and I had a option to sign out Whooper on the top. The timing was perfect I know it was him. He was recently banned from my forums for being a huge douche bag so this is probably why.

Umm, just one question, can you give me the MSN name he stole?

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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Umm, just one question, can you give me the MSN name he stole?
E-Mail is braester@ username Braeden.

EDIT// I would really like a phone number.

Well I've never had any problems with him like I said, so I have no reason not to believe him. I don't know you twos situation.

Also, he would appreciate it if everyone would stop trying to add him.

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