Scripter Looking For Work

I apologize if this is not allowed on the SAMP forums.

I am a scripter, 7 months of experience and knowledge. If you need help on your script, like fixing a bug, or adding something, I am your person for that. For very low fee's, not over $5 guaranteed, I just about do anything you need me to do. If what you need is simple for me to do, I will not charge you at all. I can also be a scripter for your server. I am very good at God Father (GTA-RP, LARP, Raven, ETC) edits, and Carlito's (SAGC, and NYRP) RP edits. I prefer that your script is a RP script. I also prefer that if you are charged a fee that you use Paypal. We will discuss any prices in the future.

Contact methods:
Please contact me VIA the forum (private message) and we'll I will give you my MSN or Email.

I doubt anyone will, you have released nothing on the forums so you have no reputation and you might steal money, not to mention you joined the community this month.

If you don't trust me then don't bother bothering me. I also find it shameful that you judge me on my forum reputation.

I suggest you post some of your work here, so people can see how good of a scripter you are.

My work is really big. Lol. If you contact me I can show you my gamemode I have been working on.


There is my some of my work.

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