Simple Speedo/Fuel System

Hi guys, im looking to build a simple speedo system with a fuel system.

It needs to be editable and easy to use, but i dont know how i can get player's vehicle speed, ive tried looking at other FS's but they just seem too confusing. Can someone post a simple script, and explain whats going on please?


[I may not reply until the morning (GMT TIME) and so any contribution overnight will be lovely ]


Hey Ash.

Thanks for posting this question, yes... There is a way to detect the players speed, simply as I'll show you later on. First, I'd like to point out that I've tried to make the following script as customizable as possible so if you have any problems later on, feel free to ask me about it.

I've uploaded the script onto my pastebin subdomain for future reference, you can find it here. I haven't tested it yet so if you find any bugs, feel free to tell me

BRILLIANT! Thankyou, a script that makes sense for once! And seems easily editable!!

Ill let you know if i find any problems!

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