22.07.2010, 03:17
Hi people!
First sry for my bad English.
I wanted to create a function in which strings are getting "returned" like in split-func, look at my function:
and this function should be used somewhere in the script:
but on compiling they are these errors:
I don't know what I do wrong, I have looked 1000 times at the split function, but I didn't found an error
Edit: I wrote the third argument in error lines as 30 (strcat(arg1,arg2,30)). But I don't know how to delete my own post, only can edit it?!
First sry for my bad English.
I wanted to create a function in which strings are getting "returned" like in split-func, look at my function:
forward ListGoods(checkpointid,bool:tanktrailer,Field[][],goods); public ListGoods(checkpointid,bool:tanktrailer,Field[][],goods) { new exports,data[30]; MySQLCheckConnection(); exports=CompanyInfo[checkpointid][companyexports]; if(tanktrailer==false) { new count=0; for(new i=1;i<=exports;i++) { switch(i) { case 1: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export1]);} case 2: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export2]);} case 3: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export3]);} case 4: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export4]);} } if(strcmp(data,"Benzin",true) and strcmp(data,"Motorцl",true)) { count++; strcat(Field[count],data); // 1262 print(Field[count]); print(data); } } goods=count; } else { new count=0; for(new i=1;i<=exports;i++) { switch(i) { case 1: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export1]);} case 2: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export2]);} case 3: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export3]);} case 4: {strcat(data,CompanyInfo[checkpointid][name_export4]);} } if(strcmp(data,"Benzin",true) and strcmp(data,"Motorцl",true)) { count++; strcat(Field[count],data); // 1284 print(Field[count]); print(data); } } goods=count; } }
new ladung[6][30],ladungen,string[256]; ListGoods(checkpointid,false,ladung,ladungen);
(1262) : warning 224: indeterminate array size in "sizeof" expression (symbol "maxlength") (1284) : warning 224: indeterminate array size in "sizeof" expression (symbol "maxlength")
Edit: I wrote the third argument in error lines as 30 (strcat(arg1,arg2,30)). But I don't know how to delete my own post, only can edit it?!