[FilterScript] AFK system By Xtreme_Killer! [version 1.0]


Welcome again, I released a new version of AFK system..

Use /afk or /brb to get away from the keyboard you will be teleported to a place that no one can shoot on you and you cant move with special animation and your name will be [AFK/BRB]Yourname

and Use /back to return to the place you where on before using /brb or /afk and another function that when you

Type /afklist to see the people who are Away from the keybord
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One Small Bug Is there it will not cause anything on your server I Will Try To Fix It Soon!
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Download: You Can't Am doing Some Modification!

Sometimes it looks like people are copying things straight from others. I didn't see other scripts since they weren't on PasteBin, but much commands are the same.

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