08.07.2010, 12:50
Yesterday I've added 4 other admin skins into the admin team, but this peace of scripting keeps only my old one "protected" from getting abused by normale players. And i want all my 5 admin skins getting "protected".
0 warnings
0 errors
if(ServerInfo[AdminOnlySkins] == 1) { if( (GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == ServerInfo[AdminSkin]) || (GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == ServerInfo[AdminSkin2]) ) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Welcome~n~~w~Admin",3000,1); else { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~This Skin Is For~n~Administrators~n~Only",4000,1); SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid); return 1; } } }
0 errors