Objects load slow.

Okay, well, me and my crew have been mapping a whole week long, we've made a fabulous map for our server.

Now the thing is, we've got a streamer, which loads the objects and all of them work, but they load slow...
Very.... very.... slow...

Is there a possibility of making the objects load faster?! (It's a whole new city mapped out.)

Thanks in Advance!


change the stream distance, decrease it if possible

Increase stream rate

And how to do it?


Originally Posted by Hiddos
Increase stream rate
Increase? That'd make It even slower.

I'd suggest you to strip the map of objects that really doesn't have to be there, and then If you're using an object streamer decrease the stream distance of the

That'd probably make your map loading fast enough.
Also remember every client can only view 254 objects at once, which means If there's too much objects in the players view distance,
all objects won't load.

It's annoying, because we've got over 800 objects or something, it's a whole new city...

So this is all for nothing?

What object streamer do you use? Do actual objects load slow or only textures?

Originally Posted by mavtias
If you're using an object streamer decrease the stream distance of the

That'd probably make your map loading fast enough.
Also remember every client can only view 254 objects at once, which means If there's too much objects in the players view distance,
all objects won't load.
Originally Posted by FabianoC
It's annoying, because we've got over 800 objects or something, it's a whole new city...

So this is all for nothing?
Ofcourse it's not. You've probably mapped all over San Andreas, and assuming you don't have 250 or more objects very near to each other, all you need to do is decrease the draw distance (stream distance). That make it load faster. There is a possibility that it's your CPU.

I said, we've created a whole new city, it's between SF and LV on the water, also known as SF Bay. Under Gant Bridge.

The objects are very close to eachother so I assume it's still for nothing?



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