Need someone who can help me making an easy script

i need in san fierro 2 teams special forces which includes: swat and military whit military vechiles and swat fan and some hunters in the city are barricades where the special forces are spawned they need to protect it from the rebels team if they manage to get like 300 or 400 kills or get an object then the team who did that won rebels or special forces then the match restarts who can help me whit that i also need an login system and register system admin system also thanks already plz help

For script reuqest post it here: Do not make topics about it.
Personal advice and statement: You are asking for a whole server which includes admin and login script. YOu are asking for a more than 5.000 lines script.
Use free Filterscripts and Gamemodes released in this forum or just learn how to script. Then you can create your own server.
No one will gscript for you without any payment.

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