Combat - How to?

Any combat tips out there? having trouble even winning one.

this might help you aswell

SA-MP Tips #1 - Lag (Sync)

Awesome tips thanks. My issue is really, when toe to toe on the street (shotgun, tec9's etc) do you need the crosshairs up on your opponent to hit them? Cause just firing at them while facing without seems to lead to spraying fire everywhere and hitting nothing.

I'm actually pretty good at FPSer's (Gears, Halo etc) but this game, even after about 20+ hours of experience with online players I find my stats are about 0-1 kill in 30 fights. I watch the other guys health and I get them down to 1/2 empty but I'm near dead. I don't know if perhaps I just suck that bad or there is some other mode or tactic I'm not understanding.

Maybe it is the lag sync issue as illustrated in the above video, cause I'm def not doing that...

Learn to lead aim, the more your target lags the more you have to lead aim.

So aim a meter or two (in-game meters lol) in front of the target, depending where the player is moving at and how fast (faster movement = more lead aim).

When you learn that, you can look into the bugs that makes killing easier. Crouch bug, reload bug, slide bug etc. (Remember to check server rules if bug exploits are allowed)

You have to lag shoot, which is guessing where your enemy will be in the next 0.25-1 second (Depends on their ping.) This happens because of the sync problem in samp (afaik). If you want to get your skills up I suggest you train with some friends on AAD servers (That's how I got a bit better)

In my opinion you should take advantage of the people that dislike sawnoff shotguns and use them.

The trick is to randonly change your direction very quickly using strage LEFT and RIGHT, whilst holding either BACKWARDS or FORWARDS.
And aim very quickly, now this is quite hard and varys on your experience.

Basicly keep moving your camera to your opponents general location, and whilst doing the above, Right click and shoot.

Now, on most servers you'll be dual wielding the sawnoff, that's 2 for every one, that makes four, now what you must do is learn to shoot only 2 of the rounds.

Now using a common bug named the 'switch bug' scroll your scroller on your mouse to another weapon then quickly scroll back to your sawnoff, your ammo will be fully reloaded, and then you can do the above.

Now all this you must do in half a second lol, it takes alot of damage, but it doesn't matter how many people who don't like it (AKA, They don't know how) it's still THE BEST way to get frags, look at the pro's on LVP.

Originally Posted by [ĦŁ₣
That's one way of fighting :P fast paced and quick, that's why I don't like sawnoffs :P I prefer longer range and tactics, some people say I won't get this from SA:MP because it's not that type of game but it still works!

When people are running round with fast guns and killing all the time, it's harder to get killstreaks [maybe that's just because I'm not used to it]

Pro's on LVP, what is LVP? PM me the IP might check it out, just curious on how fast :P
LVP is LittleWhitey's Las Venturas Playground, since the official list was thrown out, it's no longer very popular.

But the most pro DMers used to DM there, because one clan used sawnoff, the other clan had to, and so on...

I used to play there myself, Sawnoff, Uzi, M4 @ The Pirate Ship, not sure the IP, ****** it or search it on the hosten list I assume.

Oh and I myself love longrange and tactics, however I've not found a server that's suitable for the 3-4 years I've played SA-MP, Which is a shame.

Read and understand each type that has been told here. And keep that in mind, nowadays you have no chance with rw against ww. But the choice is yours. I mean, if you wanna play for fun it doesn't matter, but otherwhise...

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