03.06.2010, 15:31
This is my first ever time using gangzones,
I have got the minx, miny, maxx, maxz for where i want the gangzone to show which is over LS Airport.
I have used GangZoneShowForPlayer when the player spawns, BUT When i goto LS Airport i dont see it,
Although if i goto the edge of LS, Where the small bridge is to SF, next to the beach, The gangzone is there!
Why is this? The coordinates i have are correct as i checked them using IsPlayerInArea
EDIT: I found it but its not in the location i want it,
Why isent it over LSAP?
[img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img210/3690/radarp.png[/img]
This is my first ever time using gangzones,
I have got the minx, miny, maxx, maxz for where i want the gangzone to show which is over LS Airport.
I have used GangZoneShowForPlayer when the player spawns, BUT When i goto LS Airport i dont see it,
Although if i goto the edge of LS, Where the small bridge is to SF, next to the beach, The gangzone is there!
Why is this? The coordinates i have are correct as i checked them using IsPlayerInArea
EDIT: I found it but its not in the location i want it,
Why isent it over LSAP?
[img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img210/3690/radarp.png[/img]