Team CTF Server ideas??

ok well im working on a Team CTF server that is half way done and im trying to think of items to add, and what weapons i should use!

if you could help me by posting some ideas to what weapons that a player should have besides(rocket launchers and miniguns), and or something that should be in the server like a weapon menu to buy weapons and so forth.

Make a round with cars and a round without

or have 1 round with 4 teams that face eachother

Like 2 teams that run and 2 teams that go by car

or 6 teams

2 that run

2 that drive

2 that fly

or 8 teams

2 that run

2 that drive

2 that fly

2 that go by boat

and use sawn-off shotgun & 9mm pistols

Oo as it is i mapped a custom map and its 2 teams versing each other and each round is 1 hour

sawn offs & 9mm ok ill see to adding them

Desert Eagle & Sniper would be better .

so sawn offs, d eagle, and snipers. that sounds like fun xD

Don't forget the Country Rifle! :>

Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Don't forget the Country Rifle! :>
I belive its country sniper

Originally Posted by luigifan9
Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Don't forget the Country Rifle! :>
I belive its country sniper
I really believe that its Country Rifle
Right under the Rifle Sections


355 - AK47 Assault Rifle
356 - M4 Assault Rifle
357 - Country Rifle
358 - Sniper Rifle


ok ill post some images of the map sometime in the future preferably tomorrow as its my last day of school then its summer break =D

anyway that way you can get an idea of what the map looks like and you can give some ideas


Click here ti see some images!

all weapons that were named were added except for the sniper rifle.

if anyone else has ideas please say!

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