Putting player back to his death position

Hi, I have a problem of putting player back to the position where he died
Here is the example code

pawn Код:
new PlayerIsDead[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
   PlayerIsDead[playerid] = 1;
   //position, interior, virtual world
   // ...
   return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
   if(PlayerIsDead[playerid] == 1)
     //put player back to his position of death (also set his interior and virtual world
     TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
     SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 10);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You're badly injured. If the medics don't come in time you will die.");
   // ...
   return 1;
My question is how can I put him back to the death position and also get interior an dvirtual world where he died?
Somebody please help..

pawn Код:
new PlayerIsDead[MAX_PLAYERS];
new World[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Interior[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:x[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:y[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:z[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x[playerid], y[playerid], z[playerid]);
   World[playerid] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
   Interior[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
   PlayerIsDead[playerid] = 1;
   return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
   if(PlayerIsDead[playerid] == 1)
     SetPlayerPos(playerid, x[playerid], y[playerid], z[playerid]);
     SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, World[playerid]);
     SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Interior[playerid]);
     TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
     SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 10);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You're badly injured. If the medics don't come in time you will die.");
   // ...
   return 1;
This is not tested just an example. Your better off using the Pvar system

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