23.04.2010, 11:36
If a cop stun the player and jail him, and the player do /payjailfine, he lose then 1000$ how can i make it that the server give the cop 1000$ (the cop that jail that player)
//on your jail cmd add
SetPVarInt(suspectid, "WhoArrestedMe", playerid);
// then to your pay fine cmd
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -1000);
GivePlayerMoney(GetPVarInt(playerid, "WhoArrestedMe"), 1000);
//that will give that cop who arrested him $1000 that the suspect pays
Originally Posted by Shady91
just make a variable so like it would be
pawn Код:
Originally Posted by Silox
C:\Documents and Settings\Gebruiker\Bureaublad\GTACity\gamemodes\script.pwn(5970) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
SetPVarInt(PlayerSuspect, "WhoArrestedMe", playerid);
SetPVarInt(PlayerSuspect, "WhoArrestedMe", playerid);