[Help] File or Function not found!

Hello, I recently switched hosters and my new hoster is running the script that I really like but there is a problem! After starting the server, I went into it to see if everything was loading ok. After trying to log in I noticed it wasnt! It tells me to stay within the world boundary! Then, I went and check the server logs to find out why the script wasnt loading! This is what is said:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R7, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[13:37:21] Server Plugins
[13:37:21] --------------
[13:37:21] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[13:37:21] Failed.
[13:37:21] Loaded 0 plugins.

[13:37:21] Filter Scripts
[13:37:21] ---------------
[13:37:21] Loading filter script '(Hidden filterscript name for reason)'...
[13:37:21] Loaded 1 filter scripts.

[13:37:21] Script[gamemodes/(Script name hidden for reason).amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:37:21] Number of vehicle models: 0

please tell me what I need to do to fix this!!! It will be greatly appreciate and there may be a reward for fixing this error!

Your plugin is not loading correctly.

is that my problem? If so how do i fix it?

Originally Posted by Blade_Cervetti
is that my problem? If so how do i fix it?
That is the problem, make sure that it will load correctly. Put it in the \plugins\ folder.

Ok, so i created a plugind folder and it crashed the server! So, do I have to have the plugin it is streamer.dll So is that absolutely neccessary to have?

Originally Posted by Blade_Cervetti
Ok, so i created a plugind folder and it crashed the server!
You'll create the folder named plugins in your server folder. In there, you'll put your streamer.dll plugin and in your server.cfg, you'll write streamer at the plugins line.

Originally Posted by Blade_Cervetti
So, do I have to have the plugin it is streamer.dll So is that absolutely neccessary to have?
You're the one who should know that. Do you need a streamer or not?

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