Some questions

I wanted to ask some questions, please answer them.

What are the things in the server which makes the server lag (excluding PC and Internet) ?

What can i do to prevent this lag ?

What is the main purpose of MYSQL and what does it helps in ?

A: Too many objects and vehixles in one place
B: Dont have too many of teh above in one place
C: MYSQL keeps everyhitng in one DB, inseatd of hving all these .ini .cgf files, It keeps them in a DB

I am not talking about that lag....i'm talking about the one which makes the server's internet speed slow, get it ?

Originally Posted by ||123||
I am not talking about that lag....i'm talking about the one which makes the server's internet speed slow, get it ?
Uhmm... The internet.

So what if i make many timers with 1 milli-second of time, will it make the server lag ?

It's too easy.

Originally Posted by Adil_Rahoo
It's too easy.
Ikr.. lol

Timers can cause lag, if you have some executing too often

But is there a way to prevent it, i mean i want to use a short timed timer for my speedometer but i dont want my server to lag too, so is there a way that could prevent this i mean something which could loop it or something, if there is any ANY way this can be solved, then please tell me.

Use one timer and in it loop through all players

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