Cars disappearing very fast

When we exited a check a car park...we didn't find our car. It disappeared very fast.
How can I fix this?

Server Cfg:
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

This isn't in the server.cfg :O
Look in your script:
AddStaticVehicleEx and CreateVehicle --> Both are using respawn_delay :O
I think you've put this delay on 0 O.o

I'm actually guessing that if you put the delay on 0 it doesn't respawns unless it's destroyed.

Anyways, the delay between exiting and re-spawning are in milliseconds(mS), 1000mS = 1S. So to respawn every 2 minutes, you'd have a delay of 120000(120 seconds = 2 minutes).

Hm I think the respawn delays of CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx are exceptions xD
They are expressed in seconds not milliseconds :O ^^

Do you use AddStaticVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx in your script to spawn cars?

E: Woah I was slow..

Originally Posted by Last_Stand_Guardian
This isn't in the server.cfg :O
Look in your script:
AddStaticVehicleEx and CreateVehicle --> Both are using respawn_delay :O
I think you've put this delay on 0 O.o
That's only part of my server cfg. I've heard of cars and stream so I thought it could be connected.

Originally Posted by Jay420
Do you use AddStaticVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx in your script to spawn cars?

E: Woah I was slow..
I'm using BOTH AddStaticVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx in my gamemode.

Here's an example of one common AddStaticVehicleEx I use.
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,1400.6943,405.4911,19.5034, 246.7988,77,77, 7200000);//Sherrif Cruiser

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