Loading More Then 254 Objects(for a Sandbox based gamemode)

Hi, I been working on a sandbox game mode, I figured out how the objects are gonna be moved around, but then i found out that the object limit is 254, that wouldn't leave much objects that players could have, so is there a way to get around this?
I seen this command and thought that it might be possible
CreatePlayerObject(playerid,modelid,X,Y,Z,rX,rY,rZ );

I was thinking of making virtual worlds with a max of 254 objects each, and whenever someone goes to another virtual world, it would delete the player objects from the previous world and then it would create new player objects from the next virtual world, is this possible? would it lagg too bad when loading the objects for the player?

If you can think of a better way, please post a reply

Use Streamers the is some sticked topic is some forum i dont remember wich one xD

Ok, I found a good streamer, Streamer Plugin v2.3.7 works good, no lagg at all
Now i'm gonna add some more objects that you can spawn

Thanks for the help ^.^

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