HELP !! BIG PROBLEM....with muchs servers

hello guys...

first of all im not english so sorry for my bad gramer.

now.. when i had normal modem i was playing normal on any server

but now i have router and im banned from most servers !!! most servers which i enter for first time i cant enter because im banned !! even no one ban me !! is that port forward porblem or whattt ?!? help please i need to play

i think your ip is dynamic
so it gives you a IP that is banned
try restarting your modem to get another IP

Originally Posted by XRVX
i think your ip is dynamic
so it gives you a IP that is banned
try restarting your modem to get another IP
i do that..every night i turn my router off and on the morning i turn it on !! but it doesnt help

Could your internet be very very slow?

nah...i have internet fast 4.0 MB

Is that like this:
Connecting to server...
no response, retrying
You are banned from this server...
I mean first it will say no response and next try it will say you are banned...

yeah almost like that....

Then it is bug, But can you post a screen of first and second response? first should be retrying and second you are banned, just to be sure

how its a bug im banned almost in all servers !! i can play only in few

Yes, that is bug, just try reconnecting
Sometimes it happens to me too

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