Little Help - Never happened before

C:\Documents and Settings\The Forsaken\Desktop\Pawno\gamemodes\blueberryrp.pwn(2 157) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnPlayerInteriorChange"
C:\Documents and Settings\The Forsaken\Desktop\Pawno\gamemodes\blueberryrp.pwn(2 170) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnPlayerCommandText"
C:\Documents and Settings\The Forsaken\Desktop\Pawno\gamemodes\blueberryrp.pwn(2 206) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnDialogResponse"

Those are errors that I get . And whenever I delete one of those lines or add them for the quote/disabled feature with "//" it pops me 26 errors or so...

Any idea? This never happened before.

its obvious you forgot a } brace somewhere..

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