[Include] [INC] ezBriefMessages - Show Objectives easily!

Easy Objective Messages
by Rzzr.
# About:
I was doing this for my server, and felt like sharing it. So I put the functions into an include
It shows ovjective messages to tell people their objective, like in singleplayer

# Functions:
ShowBriefMessageForPlayer(playerid, message[], time);
With this you show an objective message to a single player. Time is in milliseconds.

ShowBriefMessageToAll(message[], time);
With this you show an objective message to every connected player. Time again in milliseconds.

As you see it works almost like gametext.

# Screenshots:

# Installing:
1) Download the file and put it in your pawno/includes folder.
2) Open your script and add on top:
#include <ezbriefmessages>
And under OnGameModeInit add:
3) You can now use the functions ShowBriefMessageForPlayer and ShowBriefMessageForAll.

# New:
v1.1 - A minor bugfix in ShowBriefMessageForAll, please re-download!

# Downloads:
Version 1
Download v1.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmymyez5inl
Pastebin link v1.1: http://pawn.pastebin.com/uxLbGeBN

# Credits:
- Zamaroht for his TextDraw Editor.
- Rzzr (me) for the rest.

There might be some bugs in the ShowBriefMessageForAll, because I was alone in my server so I couldn't test this with other players. If you find any, please report them here, thanks!

I hope it's useful and have fun with it!


This looks pretty nice. Keep up the work, bro. I'll download it and test it, by the way.

Simple but nice.

Really nice looking, for future updates you should add different types. Like in single player a small black box comes up with some text in it.

Thanks for the suggestion V1ceC1ty, I will work on that for a next release

If I use ShowBriefMessageToAll when a Message is already on the screen, what will it do ?

It will just replace, it won't glitch

So it looks nice, I went to try it on a local server.
I've edited the include, because it said playerid was unknow, so I now use a SetTimer, which destroy the message for all.
And I have a suggest. Is it possible to can use accents and special caracters like й, з, а ?
Thanks for this release, and sorry for my bad english, I try to do as I can. ^^

It looks very nice, no doubt this can be usefull.

Originally Posted by Gzsume
So it looks nice, I went to try it on a local server.
I've edited the include, because it said playerid was unknow, so I now use a SetTimer, which destroy the message for all.
And I have a suggest. Is it possible to can use accents and special caracters like й, з, а ?
Thanks for this release, and sorry for my bad english, I try to do as I can. ^^
Oh that's weird, it didn't have any errors for me.
I dont think those characters can be used in GameTexts or TextDraws.
And Thank you

Originally Posted by RoamPT
It looks very nice, no doubt this can be usefull.
Thanks! I hope it is.

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