[Help]LAdmin 4.2/(SATDM v9)

hellow all samp scripters,
i need to remove the regiser + the login from the LAdmin mod becuase i have a good game mod and it alarady has a login + register,
can someone give me the LAdmin mode without login + regiser or the SATDM v9 ladmin (becuase it alarady has no register + login)
LAdmin v4.2:
i really need it and i dont really know alot at pawn, so please can u do it for me and send me it? im hoping for fast answer,
and i have been read that:
[size=10pt]---but i really need help, just this time only one time please!![/size]

Wouldn't removing the Login/Register functionality render the Administration system useless?.

i have been trying to remove the login + register for 2 hours and it gave me 1000 errors so i removed every line or tryed to fix it
then it sayd me all ok when i compiled it i put it in my linux server but it didnt work (it crash my server , it gave me an segmantion fault (somthing lik e this...)) so thats the reason that im asking u for that

If you're getting a segmentation fault is means you're samp server executable is corrupt, You can't just upload the package to a linux build, You need to use 'wget' to obtain the package then unzip it or you will just corrupt it.

belive me, i know alot at linux i did it and it didnt help me
so i removed the FS (LAdmin) and it worked
im am an isrealian so i translated it
i have it alarady unziped it (WGETED)

srry for double post....
but i really need help
also: now i tryed on V-Admin
(if im removing the register or login (all the mod is bulided on the register or login so i removed put on my server and the commands didnent worked)

You can't remove login and register in admin filterscript it would fuck whole admin system...

Better remove login and register in your gamemode...

There is another solution, use /aregister and /alogin for admin script...
So gamemode wont be affected

ok, i will try it and will retrun u an answer (im doing it in LAdmin so it haves USE_AREGISTER),
idk how to define somthing...
i go to the /login command
in the top i need to write
or.... ?

i put

ok i did it a compile:
C:\Users\Desktop\ladmin4v2.pwn(1042) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerPrivmsg")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Warning.

heres line 1041 - 1080
//================================================== ============================
public OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[])
if(ServerInfo[ReadPMs] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel])
new string[128],recievername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string)); GetPlayerName(recieverid, recievername, sizeof(recievername));
format(string, sizeof(string), "***PM: %s To %s: %s", string, recievername, text);
for (new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a++) if (IsPlayerConnected(a) && (PlayerInfo[a][Level] >= ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) && a != playerid)
SendClientMessage(a, grey, string);

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] == 1)
new string[128];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] < ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings]) {
format(string, sizeof(string),"WARNING: You are muted, if you continue to speak you will be kicked (Warning: %d/%d)", PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings], ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings] );
} else {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"You have been warned! Now you have been kicked");
GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string));
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s [ID %d] Kicked for exceeding mute warnings", string, playerid);
SaveToFile("KickLog",string); Kick(playerid);
} return 0;
return 1;

forward HighLight(playerid);
public HighLight(playerid)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 1;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] == 0) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF0000AA); PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] = 1; }
else { SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x33FF33AA); PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] = 0; }
return 0;

//===================== [ DCMD Commands ]=====================================
Help Please!!
when i delete it
i get 55 errors
please help!!

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