[Search]Help 4 my roleplayserver

Hello I have downloaded A Reallife gamemod and there was only the City LS.
How I make,that there is SF too?
And How I make it german?
pls help me
mfg fabi^^

MOve the whole server to San Fierro.

?But i want that the server is LS+SF^^
can i download a gamemod[SF], and start them with my Ls gamemod which I have downloaded?

Sorry 4 my englisch xD [I m from austria]xDD

you mean run 2 game modes at the smae time, No you cant. I did have a game mode which allowed you to choose LS,LV,SF. Idk if I still have it me and a friend custom made it from scratch

And how I make then a Roleplay server with SF and LS and probably LV?

just edit the position cordinates man and edit some texts

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