Errors unable to fix

Hello I have been working on a dynamic business system and succeeded except for this part. None of my friends know so I have resorted for asking the forum.

I have this part of code:

pawn Код:
new BizNumber[128];
        new TOTAL_BIZZ = dini_Int("business_system.cfg", "Number");
        new field[13];
        for(new i=0; i < TOTAL_BIZZ + 1; i++)
        format(BizNumber, sizeof(BizNumber), "Biz%d", i);
        if(dini_Isset("business_system.cfg", BizNumber))
#1              split(dini_Get("business_system.cfg", BizNumber),field,'|');
                if(PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, field[1], field[2], field[3]))
1. error 048: array dimensions do not match #1
Now if I change that to this
pawn Код:
#2 new input[256] = dini_Get("business_sytem.cfg", BizNumber);
#3 split(input, etc....);
I get:
error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero #2
error 048: array dimensions do not match #3
Please help because I do not know what to do.
Thanks everyone.

BUMP! I really need this, kthx

Bump again...

pawn Код:
new field[13][128];

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