Whats This Error mean?

(2393) : error 021: symbol already defined: "sscanf"
I didn't change anything that i know of but after i recompiled.. that comes up. I went to the line and found it, but i don't see anything wrong?

Heres where it says to go:

stock sscanf(string[], format[], {Float,_}:...)
		formatPos = 0,
		stringPos = 0,
		paramPos = 2,
		paramCount = numargs();
	while (paramPos < paramCount && string[stringPos])
		switch (format[formatPos++])
So im pretty confused, so If anyone knows a solution, i would love to know.

try deleting the whole stock sscanf , cause that error means that u already put that in ur script or in one of ur includes

Wow fast reply and it works! Thanks bud!

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