Looking for

I have been thinking of a small project that a friend and I think will work out hopefully. I am currently still thinking of name for the vm part of vmgaming.net. The idea we had was make a community to where server owners of what ever server they have, be it SAMP, CoD4, Left 4 Dead, etc and have them diverge into a community to where they share ideas, scripts, and possibly help one another out. (The first thought was to make it SAMP and any other server to where it could have a custom script to run off of and have the coders (scripters) work as a team and make different ideas for a variety of game modes).

The reason why I am posting it here is because it may just start off with SAMP and then grow. And this is the forum that is pretty much dedicated to SAMP and then some. I kinda want to get an idea from some people.

So you want to know if the idea is good?

Im not quite sure what exactly you mean.
Like you want to make a group that helps each other out on scripting etc, like how blacksands helps modders of fps bf2/crysis modders work together?
http://blacksandstudio.com/about/ Their description basically sounds the same.

If thats what you mean, than yah that would be great.
We kind of have a samp thing going here, but a closer community who help each other out directly would be sweet.

Ya its similar to that, except not based on mods and beta testing. But that all comes with scripting. So far what me and my friend have made up for a name is Vindictive Media Gaming or VMGaming. I am currently looking into getting a VPS but they are kind of pricey but its the cheapest to go with than a full dedicated server. I am currently one of the founders of VentriloX - Public Ventrilo and samp-servers.com is sponsoring it, and I have been trying to get in contact with the owner to see if I can get a small or medium sized server from him either under the sponsorship, or half off or putting it on a tab.

But I am looking for scripters who would like to maybe try out and join up with me and my friend. If the teaming up turns out great and get some ideas rolling, all of it could help out everyone in the long run and possibly make a better or new game mode.

EDIT: Just to put this out there also. It would be nice if another person could help split the cost of a VPS from verio.com (unmanaged VPS of cource, but they do update it).

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