How to lock my vehicle

I never got the point of this vehicle steam thing, so I need some help understanding it.. This is what happens, player starts the license test driving, a new car spawns (LessonCar[playerid]) and it gets teleported into drivers seat of it. Now I want the current car the player just got teleported into (LessonCar[playerid]) to lock all doors of it.

The question is, would only this do it?

pawn Код:
public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid)
    if(TakingLesson[forplayerid] == 1)
        if(LessonCar[playerid] != 0)
            SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid, forplayerid, 0, 1); // Lock it when inside ?
return 1;
Or how to lock it?

Thanks for help

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